What happens in a first session?
In the first session, we will review your history, what brings you in to Hyde Park
Child & Family Therapy, and what you think may be helpful in terms of your treatment
goals. We will then review possible treatment options and agree on a tratment plan
together, along with ways to know when we have reached your goals.
When are office hours?
Dr. Cortina has a flexible schedule that incudes evenings. Call or email for availability.
What's the difference between College/Career Counseling with HP Child & Family Therapy and what my school offers?
Great question. The tests may be the same, or slightly different but capturing the same information. The main difference is in the details: the INTERPRETATION. Whent a test is taken, the scores can mean so many idfiffernt things,both individually and together. While a college advisor can give you scores and read a print out of suggested careers, he/she may not be able to tell you how those sugggestions fit with your current leadership, work or general personaility style. Moreover, a college advisor won't be able to look at those scores, as well as your learning strenghts, and help you problem-solve which college/career might be the best fit for you intellectually personally, or physically.
What type of payment do you accept?
Cash, credit card, and HSA card payments are accepted for all services. Insuracne is not accepted. If you would prefer, a print out of your bill can be provided to you so that you may submit to your insurance company. This will be YOUR responsibility and there is no gurantee of reimbursement. We are considered an out of network provider.
Initial Diagnositc Interview (First Session 50-60 minutes): $180
Individual & Family Therapy (45-50 minutes): $150
College/Career Counseling Consultation (includes interview, testing, and results sessions): $275
Billable time (phone consultations,writing and interpreting reports, school meetings, email consultation): $150/hour pro-rated