Learning ABC's and ADLS
Ok, so I was out with my lovely sister who happens be an amazing mom of two beautiful kids when we started talking alphabet soup: ADLS..huh? That's psych talk for Adaptive Daily Living Skills. For example, bathing and getting dressed involve daily living skills. These build on eachother as we get olderand move into things like understanding time, counting money, communicating with dctors, etc. But, when kids are little like my niece and nephew, we start by breaking skills down step-by-step. So, sis, this one's for you:
1. Do like JT and break it down. Focus on one step at a time for the first couple of days. Like, today we practice keeping the brush in our mouths and not on the cat. Then move to brushing top AND bottom teeth.
2. Bring all the steps together at tthe end of the week
3. At the end of every practice, PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE. This is your chance to re-live those cheerleading days, teach your child a jingle, or just be silly. Toddlers LOVE silly when they've done something right.
4. Consider a reward chart. Have your child put the sticker on the sheet and remember to change up the stickers to keep her interested.
If you and your child need a little extra support with this or any other behavior, please contact my office to schedule an appointment. Brief treatment options are available.