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Traveling with a Chronic Illness

Traveling with a chronic illness can feel like a second job. There are so many things to remember, responsibilities to keep up with, time-tables, etc. Maybe you’ve got things figured out. Maybe you’re like me and are figuring them out as you go. Here are a few things I’ve learned as I’ve made travel plans near and far:

  1. Keep an ESSENTIALS PACK- I like to keep my OTC medications, an ice/heat pack, ace bandage and any other comforts I may need if I have a flare as a go-to pack in my suitcase. This minimizes the need for locating (and translating) in foreign pharmacies and ensures I can get back to my trip activities faster.

  2. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE- one of the things I’ve learned the (very) hard way is that dehydration can trigger headaches, backaches, fatigue, nausea, etc. With a chronic illness, these symptoms are amplified and turn nasty. I now pack a water bottle and Gatorade packets both in town and on the go. A good friend also introduced me to the benefits of coconut water. Find your favorite hydration and stick to it.

  3. PACE YOURSELF- activity pacing is one of the best (and hardest) things to do while vacationing. No one wants to feel left out of an activity everyone else is participating in. At the same time, banking your energy for the most important activities ensures you will enjoy them to their fullest. For example: my husband and I recently returned from a trip with friends to Mexico where we visited some very cool pyramids. Everyone climbed the Sun Temple but me. Did I want to climb to the top and check out the amazing jungle view? Absolutely! But I chose to wait in the shade instead. I knew we were going swimming later and that was more important to me. I knew I wouldn’t have energy for both so I banked my energy for what mattered most. Guess who lasted longer in the water later that day? :)

  4. KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT- call ahead and ask the hotel concierge for a quieter room, supportive chair, or other accommodations to make your travel more comfortable. Talk with your doctor before you travel to get his/her recommendations and research nearby hospitals just in case. This isn’t dooms-day thinking, it’s good sense and planning to ensure the best trip possible.

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