When Messy Homes Happen to Good Women
Yes, that is a pile of clothes in front of a lundry hamper. How did it get there you ask? Bad traiining. Hello, my name is Dr. Sandy Cortina and I failed to train my husband appropriately (more on that later). For now, here are a few ways to get yur kiddos to help pick up around the house. If your child can carry a doll or truck, then it's perfect timing to instill good habits.
1. Make it a GAME. Chores can be fun, especially when set to music or your favorite nursery song. Try "this is the way we pick up cloethes, pick up clothes, pck up clothes, early in the morning." You get it.
2. Practice turn- taking by picking up one toy and puting it away then letting your child take a turn at it. Be prepared for your child to remind you if YOU miss a turn :)
3. As always, PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE during and after chore activities. The bigger the prasie the better. Kids love a good show. Try high fives, "good job buddy," and "you're awesome!"
4. Older kiddos can learn positive consequences with IF/THEN statemtns like, "If you get your toys put back in the closet THEN you can watch your tv show."Be sure to be speciifc about the expecation and stick to your promose.
Speaking of positive consequences, I'm going to try something like this, "Honey when uou put your clothes in the hamper, it makes we want to try out a new flank steak receipe."